About Meriam Murray

Growing up, Meriam Murray was the third of seven children. That meant she needed to play a role in the care of four younger siblings. As she reflects on that experience, Meriam recognizes that helping others became something of a way of life for her.

This may explain why, as an Interior + Spatial Design graduate, Meriam’s goal is to have a career creating spaces where people feel safe and comforted. Her senior capstone project focused on designing better environments for survivors of domestic violence.

“Sage has been just the right place for me to work this all out,” Meriam says. “There’s always been a nice balance between learning in the classroom and the real world experiences where you’re exposed to budgets and building codes. I’ve been able to explore how this career can be what I need it to be.”

She says the one-to-one attention she received from professors has also been key to finding her way. “They got to know me, and they gave me really valuable critiques on my portfolio. That allowed me to get better, and to grow as a designer. I feel very much prepared to be successful.”

A case can be made that Meriam is already successful. She was a semi-finalist in the American Society of Interior Designers portfolio contest. The Troy architectural firm where she interned, Architecture +, hired her after she graduated in 2020.

Meriam says the Sage community also helped her in more personal ways. Her shyness once made her reluctant to get involved socially. “Here, I’ve felt able to break through. I’ve learned how to communicate. I’ve become more confident.”


“Here, I’ve felt able to break through. I’ve learned how to communicate. I’ve become more confident.”

Meriam Murray