About Lindsey Cumoletti, RDN '18
Lindsey Cumoletti, RDN, earned her M.S. in Applied Nutrition in 2018 and is now owner/operator of her private nutrition counseling practice, LGC Nutrition LLC. We talked with her about her Russell Sage experience and career.
What was most beneficial about your Sage experience when you were a student?
The Dietetic internship for experience!
How have you utilized what you learned at Sage in your career? Did it prepare you for your field?
Sage not only provided me with the experience and education that allowed me to excel in my career as a registered dietitian, but each of my professors and advisors encouraged me to become the best professional version of myself. From my graduate classes, to my internship, I felt highly prepared to enter this continually growing field.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
The flexibility and the enthusiasm the general public has toward nutrition education.