About Kade Collins

When Kade Collins was a boy, like many young kids he had a sensitivity to wearing certain types of clothing. A tag or a seam could sometimes make him feel unusually uncomfortable. And it required some therapy to get him past this issue.

A thought began to take hold. Maybe Kade himself might like to be a therapist who helped solve these types of problems.

In high school, in his hometown of Chazy, New York, Kade took advantage of the opportunity to shadow an occupational therapist. The experience cemented the idea that he would like to pursue a career as an occupational therapist.

When he learned about the 3+2 Accelerated BS in Health Sciences/MS in Occupational Therapy program at Sage, he believed he’d found his path.

“And I felt welcomed at Sage from the very first step I took on campus, to every step I take today.”

Kade has completed the bachelor’s part of the program and next spring expects to complete his master’s.

But while his introduction to the benefits of occupational therapy occurred at a young age, he thinks once he graduates he’d like to work with the elderly population.

“I just really like working with older individuals,” he says. “Helping them get back to their normal routines, so they can contribute again, is a rewarding experience. Sometimes it’s giving them back their identities, because sometimes they feel like that’s what got lost.”

What’s not lost on Kade is how coming from a small town, Sage was just what he needed to thrive.

“It was nice knowing that all your professors got to know your name and face,” he says. “I was comfortable asking any professor for anything. Sage is the kind of place where it’s easy to make helpful connections.”

Kade said Sage was also an easy place for him to feel part of the overall community. He played on the soccer team and made many friends.

“When you walk around the campus, everyone’s door is open.”


“Sage is the kind of place where it’s easy to make helpful connections.”

Kade Collins