About Joseph Dragone

Joseph Dragone has over 30 years of experience in both urban, suburban and regional school district leadership with a focus on cross-sector partnerships, school improvement, workforce and program development, data analysis, and building organizational and instructional capacity. He has led school and district improvement planning, commitment to 21st Century Skills, regional early college high school design, and extensive facilities projects.

Dragone served on the board of trustees of The College Board, was a member on Workforce Development and Education for the Obama Administration’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership 2.0 Initiative and in 2018 represented New York state at the White House State-Federal STEM Summit under the Trump administration. As a gubernatorial appointee to the Capital Region Economic Development Council, he serves on the executive committee and co-chairs the Workforce Workgroup.

Dragone currently serves on the executive committee of the New York Association for Training and Employment Professionals, the executive advisory board of New York Tech Valley FIRST Robotics, the board of advisors for the National Institute for Industry and Career Advancement and on the leadership council of Clarkson University’s STEM Ed Institute. He also serves on the University at Albany School of Education Dean’s Leadership Council, the NYSERDA Offshore Wind Jobs and Supply Chain Technical Work Group Workforce subcommittee, the SUNY Future of Healthcare Workforce taskforce, and is a member of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Offshore Wind Workforce Network.

Recent Courses Taught

EDL 741 – Foundations of Inquiry I
EDL 746 – Research Methods I
EDL 742 – Foundations of Inquiry II
EDL 747 – Research Methods II
EDL 743 – Foundations of Inquiry III
EDL 755 – Doctoral Research I: Problems of Practice
EDL 756 – Doctoral Research II: Problems of Practice

Distinctions & Awards

2024 Excellence in Education Award from the University at Albany; Recognized on the 2020 and 2021 City & State Education Power 100 List.

Selected Publications

Keynote: “Research Evidence on Advanced Placement Nationally and in New York State: Access, Achievement and Outcomes.” 2024 New York Data Analysis Technical Assistance Group (DATAG) Summer Conference with Lesley Guggenheim, Vice President, Middle States and New England Regions and Maureen Ewing, Ph.D. Executive Director, Research, The College Board.

Panelist: “Semiconductors for Tomorrow: Strengthening New York’s Talent Pipeline Through Registered Apprenticeships” with Congressman Paul Tonko, NY-20; Mike Russo, President and CEO, National Institute for Industry and Career Advancement; Robert Geer, Vice President of Education and Workforce Development, NYCREATES; Katie Newcombe, Chief Economic Development Officer, Center for Economic Growth; Christine McClear, Workforce Development Lead, Globalfoundries; Jill Cofield, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Sciences & Technology, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity; University at Albany and Dawn Roller, Associate Vice President Human Resources, Indium.

Panelist: “Training the Workforce for Offshore Wind.” Equinor Supply Chain Expo with Amanda Schoen, Director of Industry Relations, Offshore Wind, Equinor; Katie Newcombe, Chief Economic Development Officer, Center for Economic Growth; John Madrid, Excelsior Service Fellow, Workforce & Economic Development, Empire State Development and Aimee Miritello, Human Resources Manager, Marmen Energy Inc.

Educational Background

University at Albany
Ph.D., CAS and MS, Educational Administration & Policy Studies
The College of St. Rose
The College of St. Rose
BS, Music Education