About Andrew Edwards

“Students looking to go to medical school should reach out to alumni,” says U.S. Army veteran and medical student Andrew Edwards. “We can help!”

He speaks from experience. 

When he was a Biology major at Russell Sage College, trying to decide between medical school or a doctorate in Physical Therapy, he relied on advice from those in the field and Sage professors. 

He’s now a medical student at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.

“I know alumni that attended Touro and they’ve always had great things to say about the school,” he says. 

When Andrew was deciding where to attend for undergrad, Sage’s location in Troy, New York, near where he lived at the time, initially attracted him. “They also offered a generous scholarship to attend!” 

Once enrolled, he appreciated the rigor in Sage’s Biology department.

“Not only do they demand more from the students, but they also teach more practical applications to prepare you for a career in science.”

He says his professors played a huge role in helping him build his confidence as a non-traditional student. 

“Professors Freytag, Howard, Jenks, Ko, LaMonica, Obuya, Rea [were the ones] I spent the most time with and were always there to help mentor me and guide me in the right direction.” 

Andrew will graduate with his medical degree in 2026 and hopes to enter the surgical field.

“My first choice would be neurosurgery, but I am keeping an open-mind while going through the process.”






“Students looking to go to medical school should reach out to alumni,. We can help!”

Andrew Edwards