Russell Sage College has been selected for a Future-Proof Cohort Grant from EAB, a national firm that partners with higher education institutions in all areas, from institutional advancement and student success to enrollment marketing and institutional research and strategy. 

Under the grant, EAB’s Strategic Advisory Services will conduct at least a half-dozen research projects for the college and provide key support to each of the strategic planning groups, tapping into EAB’s vast national resources. 

Their expertise will cover all areas of the college, including facilities, academics, finances, and student life, and will guide the college’s planning through benchmarking, best practices, and facilitation. The initial grant to Russell Sage has a value of approximately $100,000, with the college’s contribution limited to only $20,000. The work kicked off earlier this month.

“We’re thrilled to receive this grant from EAB, which will enable us to gain critical insight we wouldn’t be able to gather on our own,” said Russell Sage College President Matthew Shaftel. “Russell Sage College is at an exciting time in its history, with enrollment growth, new programs, and increased giving. Our strategic plan will guide our next chapter, and we want to be sure to inform our direction and build on our strengths, using the latest data and research.”

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