Discussion of Texas Abortion Law and its Potential Effects Hosted by The Women’s Institute at Russell Sage College

The Women’s Institute at Russell Sage College invites the general public to an online panel discussion, The Social, Ethical and Legal Implications of Senate Bill 8 (Texas Abortion Law).

The program will be held on Jan. 31 at 6 p.m.

The event is free, but advance registration is requested at https://bit.ly/334KGMV.

The panelists include:

— Rajani Bhatia, Ph.D., associate professor of Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies at the University at Albany and author of Gender Before Birth: Sex Selection in a Transnational Context (University of Washington Press, 2018). Bhatia’s research focuses on reproductive technologies, health, bioethics and biomedicine.

— Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Ph.D., director for the Institute for Bioethics & Health Humanities; Harris L. Kempner Chair in the Humanities in Medicine; and associate professor of Preventive Medicine and Population Health at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Campo-Engelstein is a feminist bioethicist specializing in reproductive ethics and sexual ethics.

— Claire Horner, J.D., M.A., assistant professor at the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine and clinical ethicist at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center. Horner’s work is focused on legal and ethical issues in reproductive ethics, particularly issues arising in gestational surrogacy, contractual agreements in reproduction and Catholic bioethics.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Benita Zahn, DPS, MS, CHWC, award-winning health and wellness reporter and a certified health and wellness coach at Capital Cardiology Associates.

The Women’s Institute at Russell Sage College offers public programs with a focus on constructive dialogue about contemporary women’s issues. The institute also promotes women’s leadership and gender inclusivity through a student-learning community with expanded curricular opportunities. For more information visit Sage.edu/about/community-resources/womens-institute.

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