Russell Sage College’s Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program — known as CSTEP — annually holds a Day of Service to introduce high school students to science and health sciences-related college majors and career pathways.
This year, CSTEP collaborated with the Nursing department to host 25 ninth through 12th graders from Albany Leadership Charter High School for Girls on Wednesday, Feb. 9. The Day of Service was held on Sage’s Troy campus.

Sage President Christopher Ames, Nursing Chair Glenda Kelman, Program Director Lesley Caracci and Assistant Professor Trudy Hutchinson spoke to the Albany Leadership students about opportunities at Sage. The high school students were able to ask Sage students and faculty specific questions about preparing for college over lunch. They then visited two of Sage’s Nursing simulation labs, where they tried the real, high-tech medical equipment and sat in on a Nursing class.
CSTEP is a grant-funded program sponsored by the New York State Department of Education. It provides mentoring and academic support, paid internships and research experiences to underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students in science-related majors or professional programs.
“This is in keeping with Russell Sage College’s US News ranking as a top school for social mobility,” said Katie Smith, associate director of CSTEP. “We do a great job helping current students get ready to succeed after graduation. It is also our responsibility to help students coming in, to make sure that they get to college, where they can find the same opportunities.”