About ICAN (I Can Achieve a Nursing Degree)
The ICAN program is a pioneering initiative to make an impact on aspiring nursing students from underrepresented communities, providing them with the tools, resources, and support needed to overcome barriers and achieve their academic and professional goals. ICAN nurtures and guides Capital Region high school students to become healthcare professionals through mentorship, scholarly and collegiate experiences, hands-on resumé-building activities, networking, employment opportunities, and more.
Supporting these students as students, and later, professionals, addresses ongoing worker shortages and overall healthcare disparities through better representation in the healthcare workforce.

What Does Your Sponsorship Do?
ICAN sponsors for the 2024-2025 academic year contribute to the success of individual nursing students while making a positive impact on the overall health, wellness, and vitality of our community by supporting inclusive opportunities to address social determinants of health. Program sponsors support the academic ICAN program, as well as the 2025 ICAN Summit.
Available Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits
$250,000 ICAN Program Sponsor
$150,000 ICAN School Sponsor (Sponsors the mentor and student programming)
$75,000 ICAN Mentor Sponsor (covers training and compensation for mentors)
$50,000 ICAN Student Experiential Sponsor (covers the cost of programs, transportation, and essentials for learning events)
2024-2025 ICAN Sponsor base benefits:
Flexible Options for Your Company or Organization
Russell Sage College is honored to work with a wide range of sponsors and supporters, and we pride ourselves on our ability to customize sponsorship levels to meet our supporters’ needs. In addition to the tiered levels of sponsorship, we also offer the following options:
October 25-26, 2024
Russell Sage College Armory, 130 New Scotland Avenue, Albany

Learn about ICAN
ICAN in the News
Let’s Talk: Contact Starlyn D’angelo to discuss sponsorship opportunities:

Starlyn D’angelo
Director of corporate, government, and foundation relations at Russell Sage College
Phone: 518-244-2475
Email: [email protected]