Your Team: NaviGators, Gator Guides, and Faculty Advisors
We’re so committed to student success that we huddle a team around you when you arrive on campus. Well, not literally. Not everyone is into huddles. Think of it as your metaphorical-but-the-people-are-real huddle.
And we know good things come in threes.

NaviGators are Russell Sage students who are there to be a peer support network. You can reach out to them directly, often find them at the Solutions desk, and will definitely see them out at student events. Check out our list of NaviGators and their bios, and be sure to check in or just say hello!
They’ll be NaviGrateful for the opportunity to help and make a new friend.
Gator Guides
You’re on someone’s list – and in a good way. Gator Guides are staff members who are assigned a roster of students they check-in with to make sure everyone has what they need to be successful.
You’ll get to meet your Gator Guide soon after you arrive at Russell Sage, and you don’t have to wait for them to check in with you. Reach out to them when you need help or just want to talk.
Faculty Advisors
Your Faculty Advisor is a professor in your major who is assigned to you and will help you schedule courses, explore internship and other career-building opportunities, and stay on track with your degree plan.
Want to change your major? First, they’ll help you figure that out, too. You’ll get a new Faculty Advisor when you do, but we’re sure the OG Faculty Advisor won’t mind if you still want to stop by and say hi.