Deposit, tuition, room, board, and other fees listed here are in effect for the 2024-2025 academic year. They are subject to change by the Board of Trustees of Russell Sage College without prior notice. Policy statements and other information below reflect current information at the time of this publication. Tuition charges are not refundable. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Adjustments for withdrawals and other circumstances can be found in the Adjustments for Tuition, Room and Board section. Graduate students pay tuition per credit hour according to the program for which they enroll.


Business Administration (MBA)$725
Organization Management (M.S.)$725
Health Services Administration (M.S.)$725
Nursing (M.S.)$950
Nursing Post-Master’s Certificates$780
Forensic Mental Health (M.S.)$685
Physical Therapy (DPT)$1,005
Occupational Therapy (M.S. & OTD)$975
Applied Nutrition (M.S.)$670
Community Psychology (M.A.)$800
Mental Health Counseling & Community Psychology (M.A.) — in person and online$800
Nutrition & Dietetics (M.S.)$670
Dietetic Internship$670
Dietetic Internship (Distance Track)$490
Criminal Justice and Community Corrections (M.S.)$685
Forensic Mental Health (M.S.)$685
Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism (M.S.)$685
Literacy Education (M.S.Ed.)
Special Education (M.S.Ed.)
Literacy/Special Education (M.S.)
Childhood/Literacy Education (M.S.)
Childhood/Special Education (M.S.)
Master of Arts in Teaching in Art Education (M.A.T.)
Professional School Counseling (M.S.)$685
School Health Education (M.S.)$645
Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) Albany Campus$850
Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) New York City$1,025*
Instructional Leadership Advanced Certificate SBL/SDL (non-CITE program)$645
Instructional Leadership Advanced Certificates SBL/SDL – CITE$425
Sport Science: Coaching and Mental Performance (M.S.)$645
Non-Matriculated Course$730
Audited Course$220
* $871.25 per credit hour for CSA members


Graduate housing is offered on the Troy campus. This option is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The living experience is customized for Sage graduate students who want the convenience of on-campus living combined with the flexibility of off-campus living.

TROY CAMPUSper semesterper year
Single Occupancy$3,550$7,100

Meal Plans

Graduate students have the option of choosing a board plan.

The Ultimate or Around the Block$3,809
Suite 100$1,656
Suite 75$1,449

Graduate students, whether they live on or off campus, can may purchase meal plans by emailing [email protected].

In addition to the meal plan options listed above, Commuters and Graduate Students can also choose from:
205 DCB Plan — $200 per semester
Around the Block 25 — $509 per semester

Graduate and commuter students are not required to have a meal plan.

Board charges are not refundable. Refer to the Adjustments for Tuition, Room and Board section for information regarding adjustments to board charges due to a student’s withdrawal from the college or an approved leave of absence.

Important Information About Meal Plans

Students enrolled in a Board Meal Plan (The Ultimate, Around the Block, Suite 75, and Suite 100) in the fall semester will automatically be enrolled in the same plan for the spring semester.

All meal plan contracts become final, and cannot be changed, after the first Friday of classes each semester.

The undergraduate residence halls are non-cooking facilities.

Commuter and graduate students who wish to have DCB roll over from the fall to spring semester must be enrolled in an active meal plan for both terms.

Additional information regarding meal plans can be found on Sodexo’s website.

Other Fees

The following fees are not refundable or subject to adjustment after the first day of classes. These fees are charged accordingly and in addition to the previously stated tuition, room and board charges.

PROGRAM FEESper semester
ABA Practicum$900
Student Teacher Placement (per course section)$250
Graduate Nursing Typhon Tracking (select courses)$100
PT Lab Fee (Select Courses)$100
Graduate Records (First Semester, One Time)$150
Late Payment$50
Placement Service File$5
Before December 31$50
Between January 1 and May 31$30
After June 1$25

Payment Due Dates

SemesterPayment Due Date
Summer 2024 May 1, 2024
Fall 2024Aug 1, 2024
Spring 2025Dec 6, 2024

Graduate Assistantships

Russell Sage College is committed to an equitable, supportive and professional environment for graduate education. Graduate assistantships and fellowships provide financial support while helping students develop independent judgment, intellectual breadth, professional and personal accountability, and the ability to communicate effectively.

Graduate Assistantships provide tuition waivers and a stipend for working in an academic or administrative office, assisting faculty in research, or — in limited instances — teaching undergraduate classes. For each six-credit tuition waiver plus $2000 stipend, a student works 300 hours over the fall and spring semesters or teaches two three-credit course equivalents. The course waivers will be paid out when the student has completed their hours for that semester.

There are a limited number of summer assistantships. The summer positions are half positions. The GA must work 150 hours and will receive a 3 credit course waiver and $1,000 stipend.

  • It is encouraged, but not required, that you file a FAFSA application before the start of the Graduate Assistantship position.
  • Students must also complete an Application for Graduate Assistantship and include a resume with the application.
  • Upon receipt of the GA contract, the Office of Financial Aid Services determines whether or not the student is also eligible for a graduate assistantship based off the student’s current NSLDS report and loan borrowing history. Students in Default or have over-borrowed over the aggregate loan limits will be ineligible to participate in the Graduate Assistantship.

Students enrolled for six hours per semester, including the summer term, may receive no more than one graduate assistantship per year; students enrolled for twelve or more hours may receive two graduate assistantships per year.

An assistantship award means that the student is eligible to apply for the open assistantship positions. Job descriptions allow students to match their skills and experience to the openings available. These may be in academic departments or administrative offices; selection is made by the individual supervising the graduate assistant. **Please Note: The Coordinator of Graduate Assistantships does not place GA’s. Each applicant should be pro-active and contact the supervisor of the positions they are interested in directly. When a selection has been made, the graduate assistant will need to sign a contract of employment and forms needed for the payroll office. The graduate assistant will not be eligible to start his/her position(s) until all paperwork is completed with the GA Coordinator and the Payroll Office.

Student assistants may be asked to perform only duties that are contained in the job description for the position they occupy; they may not be asked or required to perform inappropriate services (e.g., child care, pet care, or other personal services) as part of their responsibilities. Student assistants are expected to be accountable and professional in carrying out the duties of the position; less than satisfactory performance may result in the termination of an assistantship award.

Graduate stipends are paid twice each month, on the regular pay dates for staff employees. A form I-90 or other proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. must be completed with the Payroll Office before compensation may begin.

Teaching assistantships may be available to a limited number of students in post-masters programs who have already earned masters degrees and who are otherwise qualified to deliver undergraduate instruction. Such awards are contingent on departmental need for such instruction. Teaching assistants are assigned to a departmental faculty mentor who provides supervision and feedback during the teaching assignment. Teaching assistants, as with other instructional faculty, receive course evaluations from students and a final written evaluation from the faculty mentor.

Graduate assistantships are renewable each year for up to four years of study, contingent upon the maintenance of academic good standing in the students program of study and satisfactory performance in the assistantship position.

To renew an assistantship each year, the student must once again complete the Application for Graduate Assistantship form.

Special Billing

The Russell Sage College Workforce Development Partnership
The Russell Sage College Workforce Development Partnership brings graduate education to industry to drive community growth and transformative progress. As a cornerstone in New York’s Capital Region, Russell Sage understands true workforce transformation relies on seamless education-industry alignment.

Sponsorship Agreement
Students who receive full or partial reimbursement from employers will need to complete the Sponsorship Agreement Form, obtain employer information, and return it to Student Services prior to the end of the add/drop period of the semester they are enrolling.

Get in Touch

Are you a student with a question – any question?
You can email or call us at [email protected] and 518-244-2020.