There’s no guesswork.

Russell Sage College is committed to making a quality education affordable. Students and parents receive one-on-one financial counseling sessions, including a full review of costs, financial aid, and continuing affordability.

Payment Due Dates

August 1

Fall Semester

December 1

Spring Semester

May 1

Summer Semester

For academic term dates, see the Academic Calendar.
For the tuition liability policy, see the Tuition Adjustment Schedule.

Net Price Calculator

The Net Price Calculator provides cost estimates for new first-year freshman and new transfer students and is an important financial planning tool for college expenses. The calculator provides a preliminary, non-binding estimate of federal, state and institutional financial aid eligibility based solely upon self-reported information. Russell Sage College will develop your individual financial aid package based upon your filed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Are you a student with a question – any question?
You can email or call us at [email protected] and 518-244-2020.