Guidance from Attorney Generals, including New York, on the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights February 14 Dear Colleague Letter and February 28 FAQs

A jointly issued guidance memo with FAQs was issued March 5, 2025, by New York Attorney General Letitia James and attorney generals from several other states.  The guidance was explicitly directed to both private and public institutions of higher education, as well as K-12 public school districts.

Key takeaways include:

  • Attorney General James and the other attorney generals issuing the memo take the position that President Trump’s executive orders, OCR’s Dear Colleague letter, and OCR’s FAQ are mistaken and have no force and effect of law. 
  • They continue to narrowly interpret the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the SFA admissions case. 
  • They offer a variety of recommended DEI practices that they believe remain permissible, not limited to college admissions and not limited to race.
  • The memo’s authors state that “Fear of the . . . loss of federal funding is not a justification to impose or reimpose discriminatory practices” that violate applicable state anti-discrimination laws (page 4), including but not limited to protections for students and employees based on gender identity and expression.

Rights of Transgender Students Under New York State Law

The latest joint statement published by the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Education Department regarding the rights of transgender students under state law is directed toward K-12 public schools, but its essential points are equally applicable to public and private institutions of higher education in New York.  

The NYS Attorney General/NYS Education Department are advising that:

  • President Trump’s executive orders on gender are a nullity, absent further agency, congressional, or court action;
  • Any threatened loss of federal funds for noncompliance with the executive orders cannot be imposed solely or directly by those executive orders;
  • Rights of transgender persons in this state are unchanged and remain readily enforceable

Will the statements about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and LGBTQ issues impact curriculum or the way we operate at Russell Sage?

The college has been in contact with its legal counsel, and they are watching these issues. New York state laws and regulations are in place that address these issues, so no changes are warranted at this time. If there is a need, we will certainly speak to our attorneys.

As it says in our Institutional Commitment to Open Dialogue and Safe Spaces, “[W]e are deeply committed to supporting open inquiry, diverse perspectives, mutual respect, and constructive dialogue through education, experiential learning, and research. As an institution founded on the principle of empowerment through education, we recognize our responsibility to amplify voices and perspectives that have been historically underrepresented. We are committed to ensuring that every member of our community is heard and valued. Our goal is to create safe spaces where challenging and diverse ideas can be openly explored, always guided by our mission to foster responsible citizenship and individual growth.”

What will happen if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials come to campus?

If a student, faculty, or staff member encounters ICE on campus, they should refer the visitors to Public Safety, who will act accordingly.

Federal immigration enforcement agents are required to have a criminal arrest or search warrant to lawfully enter limited access, nonpublic areas without consent (this would include residence halls, the Wellness Center, etc.). Most often, immigration agents who might come to campus would be acting on civil, not criminal, authority, and generally carry administrative warrants. Administrative warrants are not signed by a judge and do not authorize agents to enter limited access areas without consent. FERPA directory information does not include immigration status, citizenship, or national origin information or documentation. Other than subject to a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, schools are not required to provide student information to federal or local law enforcement officials.

Are any changes being made to federal student aid?

On January 29, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget rescinded the memorandum that temporarily paused federal financial assistance programs. Prior to that announcement, the college received official information from Federal Student Aid that confirms the attempted pause on federal grants and loans would not impact “assistance received directly by individuals,” including Title IV, HEA funds, which are provided to individual students, such as Pell Grants. 

What resources are available to students who are concerned about immigration changes?

If you are working with a student who is impacted by any changes to immigration policy, please refer to the list below and consider contacting the Dean of Students on your campus for additional information and assistance.

On-campus support:

  • Students experiencing anxiety and worry can get assistance through our Wellness Centers.  We offer free, confidential mental health services as well as referrals to community services.  Contact Wellness [email protected] 518-244-2261 and [email protected] 518-292-1917.
  • Students who are concerned about the status of their financial aid should contact Solutions at [email protected] 518-244-2020.
  • If you are concerned about a student please fill out a CARE report.  The CARE team will follow up with the student to connect them with services and track their progress.  

Local support:

  • Sunhee’s Community Place
    [email protected]
  • Columbia County Sanctuary Movement
    For Emergencies/Para Emergencias: 518-291-9386 
    For General Inquiries/Para consultas generales: 518-303-3848
  • Refugee and Immigrant Support Services (RISSE)
    240 W Lawrence Street Albany, NY 12208
  • Office for New Americans (ONA) Hotline
    Toll-free, multi-lingual hotline providing live assistance in more than 200 languages. Anyone can call the hotline for information and referrals, regardless of citizenship or documented status. Calls to the hotline are confidential and anonymous. The hotline operates from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday