The Official College Credit Card Marketing Policy of Russell Sage College
Whereas, pursuant to Article 129-a of the Education Law, any college chartered by the New York Sate Board of Regents or incorporated by special act of the New York State Legislature shall establish an official college credit card marketing policy; and
Whereas, such official college credit card marketing policy shall prohibit the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards on college campuses to students, except as provided in said policy; and
Whereas, Article 129-a requires that the penalties for individuals violating such official credit card marketing policy be clearly set forth therein.
Now, therefore, let it be known that the Board of Trustees of Russell Sage College has adopted the following official college credit card marketing policy on (date).
- Prohibition. The advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards to students on the campus of Russell Sage College is strictly prohibited.
- There shall be no posting of flyers, posters, or other forms of information on any college property for the purpose of advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards.
- There shall be no inducement of gifts provided to a student in exchange for completing a credit card application.
- No employee or student with access to mail or e-mail addresses of students is permitted to provide such a list to credit card issuers. Sale of such a list is expressly prohibited and may subject the employee or student to disciplinary sanctions.
- Penalty. Any individual representing a credit card issuer on said campus found violating this policy shall be banned from the campus and the credit card issuer shall be so notified for any other representatives.
- Exemptions: This policy does not apply to any advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards by either the college or an agent of the college to non-students through direct mail, newspapers, magazines, or within any banking institution located on the campus.