All Russell Sage College students and employees who wish to park on either the Troy or Albany campus (including UHA employees) must register their vehicles and obtain a parking permit.

Parking permits for the 2024-25 academic year are now available for registration!

Troy Campus Parking Lot Maps

Obtaining a Permit

Parking permits for the 2024-2025 academic year are available for purchase online through the C-Park MyParking Portal. Please see information below.

Parking rules and regulations establish standards for the administration and enforcement of campus parking at Russell Sage College. The privilege of parking at Sage comes with the responsibility of adhering to the rules and regulations published herein. Parking on campus is at your own risk. Students and employees are responsible for being familiar with the parking rules and regulations.

Obtaining a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. On some days, depending on the course schedule, there is a high demand for parking. Please plan accordingly.

A new parking permit must be obtained each academic year. A parking permit can be obtained upon completion of a web-based parking permit application in the C-Park MyParking Portal.

Permits for full-time undergraduate students who pay a comprehensive fee are provided at no additional charge. You can pick up permits at College Services located in the lower level of the Administration building in Albany and the lower level of John Paine in Troy. All Students must present photo ID in order to pick up their permit. Permits are unique to each individual. If you buy a new car or use one belonging to a family member, your permit is still valid. However you must update your registration information via the online application. Up to 3 vehicles can be registered at a time for a single user.

Students, employees and visitors park at Sage at their own risk and without any liability to the college. Sage assumes no responsibility or liability for fire, theft or damage to any vehicle or any article left therein. Only permission to park is granted.

Parking Permit Prices

Yearly Parking Permit$50
Starting January 1$30
Starting May 19$20
Adjunct Faculty$20/year
Second Permit (faculty/staff only)$25
Replacement Permit Tag (lost or stolen)$25

Permit Required

All cars parked in Russell Sage College parking lots that are owned or operated by employees or students of the college must have a parking permit tag hung from their rearview mirror. All cars without valid parking permits or permits not properly displayed may be cited and fined and/or towed at owner/operator expense. Students may not obtain a permit for a vehicle that is registered to another student or another student’s family/guardian.


All visitor vehicles are required to have a valid Russell Sage College one-day parking pass displayed at all times. Passes are available at the Public Safety Office (1st floor of John Paine in Troy and 1st floor of the Armory in Albany) and are valid on the date of issue only. Visitors who will be staying on campus overnight are required to be signed in by the student they are staying with as outlined below under “Guest Parking.” Offices that are hosting a visitor can obtain a temporary permit by emailing

Unregistered Vehicles

All vehicles not registered with Russell Sage College that have received three or more citations are subject to being towed in order to identify the owner/operator. If the vehicle is towed, the owner/operator is responsible for all towing and/or storage fees and must settle all such debts directly with the towing company.

Reserved Parking Spaces

There are various parking spaces around campus that are designated for specific employees, trustees, or visitors. Parking in these spaces constitutes grounds for immediate towing to make room for the designated person.

Enforcement of Violations

Visitor parking spaces located in the lot at 1st Street and Congress are reserved for visitors only.

Permit designations (student/faculty/staff) and assigned parking locations are enforced 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Exceptions to this rule are Handicapped spaces, “Fire Lanes,” “No Parking Zones,” visitor spaces, parking lots or spaces that are temporarily closed or reserved for college-related “special events” and college-designated reserved parking spaces, which are strictly enforced at all times.

Vehicles must be moved to their designated parking areas prior to 7 a.m. Monday through Friday. Vehicles not moved will be considered in violation and will be subject to citations and fines and/or towed at owner/operator expense.

Officers are authorized to issue citations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Public Safety Officers are authorized, but not limited, to perform the following:

  • Ticket or tow vehicles that violate these regulations.
  • Tow vehicles with three or more violations in a single semester.
  • Ticket or tow vehicles based on information relayed by other officers.
  • Ticket or tow vehicles that are blocking other cars, walkways, dumpsters, doorways, delivery entrances or emergency vehicle access, including parking in handicap spaces without a permit.
  • Stop vehicles in violation of these regulations.
  • Ticket or report to local authorities vehicles operated by persons endangering the welfare of others.
  • Tow vehicles as requested by local law enforcement.

No Parking Zones

“No Parking Zones” include all areas that are not within the marked boundaries of a parking space.  This includes, but is not limited to, yellow curbed areas, crosswalks, entrances and exits, sidewalks and grass areas.

Fire Lanes

Fire Lanes are designated areas next to buildings that must be kept available for emergency vehicle access. Vehicles found in a fire lane will be fined $100 and/or towed at owner/operator expense.

Prior notice is not required to tow. The registered owner or driver assumes responsibility for all towing and/or storage fees. Fire lane parking violations or leaving a vehicle unattended in a fire zone for any length of time are violations subject to immediate towing.

Appealing a Violation

Should someone wish to appeal a parking ticket, an appeal must be completed and submitted on the C-Park MyParking portal. Appeals must be filed/received no later than two weeks (18 days) after the date the ticket was issued. No late appeals will be accepted. Revocation of parking privileges is not subject to appeal, only individual tickets.

All valid Parking/Appeal Applications will be read, discussed and a decision will be made within two weeks of the appeal. All decisions will be posted through the MyParking portal. All decisions regarding the appeal are final. There are no exceptions. Decisions cannot be appealed nor can the same ticket be re-appealed.

Revoking Privileges

Parking privileges may be denied, revoked or suspended for any of the following reasons:

  • As a result of a conduct hearing or sanction imposed by the college.
  • Upon receiving three violations within a semester.
  • Using a permit on a vehicle other than for which it was registered.
  • Falsifying an application, permit or obtaining a permit under false pretenses.

A revocation of parking privileges will normally be accompanied by a ban from driving the vehicle or any other vehicle on campus for the duration of the loss of privilege.

The Office of Public Safety will give email notice of such suspension, any other sanction and a deadline for returning the parking permit to Public Safety. A $100 fine will be assessed to the student’s account for failure to return the parking permit to the Department of Public Safety during the allotted time. An additional fine of $100 will be assessed to the student’s account for each additional parking violation received during the student’s parking revocation period. The vehicle will also be subject to the additional expense of citation and/or towing at the owner’s/operator’s expense.  The revocation period lasts for four academic weeks from the date that the parking permit is returned to the Office of Public Safety.

Should a traffic violation warrant additional sanctions, a report will be submitted to the Office of Student Life for a conduct hearing. Such violations include, but are not limited to: driving on sidewalks, grass or other non-roadways; speeding or reckless driving; traveling the wrong direction on a one-way road; operating a vehicle in a manner that endangers others; and failure to obey other traffic control signs.

A ticket for a violation of excess speed may be issued to the student after the violation has occurred. The determination of excess speed is subject to the officer’s reasonable discretion. An actual rate of travel is not required.

Violation Fees

$50Parking/Moving Violations
$100Parking in a Handicap Spot
$100Revoked Privileges
$100Parking in a Fire Lane


Payment of tickets for parking violations should be made through the C-Park MyParking Portal, although cash, check, and credit card payments are accepted at the Office of College Services. Payment should be made within 30 days of receipt of the ticket or submission of an appeal. Appeals must be submitted within 18 days. Students who do not take care of tickets within the semester they are issued will receive a student accounts hold and will not be able to register for classes for the following semester until the outstanding balance is paid.

Faculty/staff who do not make payment for tickets will be referred to their dean/senior officer.

Event Parking Request

For the best service, we recommend that a request for visitor parking be completed 24 hours before parking is needed. Requests for reserved parking for large groups requires 72 hour notice. Public Safety will approve requests based on availability and inform the requestor by email if the request has been approved.

Reserved parking is not normally available on weekends. Please submit requests for weekend parking services at least one week in advance.

Public Safety has EVENT PARKING signs only. Any additional signage must be provided to Public Safety at least 48 hours prior to the event.

Students may only request special parking through a faculty, administrator or staff member.

College Services Locations and Hours

John Paine Building, Basement
Troy Campus
M-F 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., or by appointment

Administration Building, Basement
Albany Campus
M-F 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2 p.m.-5 p.m., or by appointment