The Office of Residence Life offers residents the option to apply to live in gender-affirming housing.

What is gender-affirming housing?

Gender-affirming housing is an option that allows students to live together regardless of biological sex, gender, or gender-identity. Students of any gender identity live together regardless of sex assigned at birth.

Do I have to be transgender or gender-nonconforming to live in gender-affirming housing?

Any student is welcome (but not required) to live in this building, but all applicants for gender-affirming housing must share a commitment to supporting LGBTQI individuals.

I am an incoming first year student. Is this an option for me?

First-year students are typically housed in Kellas Hall on the Troy campus or ACRH on the Albany campus. If you are a new student, and feel that gender-affirming housing would better suit your needs, please contact the Office of Residence Life directly at, and we will work with you directly.

Where do I apply?

Please submit a request.  Please note that completing an application does not guarantee approval.