About Julia Petreikis, RN

Nursing major Julia Petreikis received a Safety Hero award from Albany Medical Center for the lifesaving role she played in a medical emergency that occurred during her clinical rotation. 

“I knew what to do because I’ve been prepared by my professors,” said Julia, specifically acknowledging Assistant Professor Amanda Koennecke, NNP, and Clinical Professor Jennifer Nichols, PNP. 

“They give us feedback on what we should be doing. They teach us correct techniques and emphasize being confident. That has prepared me.”

Julia said she was inspired to pursue a nursing career by nurses who have cared for her. She was drawn to Russell Sage College’s Nursing program because she knew she’d get personal attention at a small school. 

She went on to express appreciation for the variety of clinical experiences available within Sage’s Nursing program: she’s gained hands-on experience at three different hospitals and in several community settings. 

“I want to work with kids, so shadowing a school nurse was fun for me,” she continued. “For our community health nursing class, we did a lot of health promotion teaching for Special Olympics, which was interesting, and we were just at the Boys and Girls Club, volunteering at a health fair.” 

The camaraderie among Sage nursing students has been another important part of her education, Julia added. 

“Encouragement is all around in Sage’s Nursing program,” she said. “That’s what’s highlighted.”