Undergraduate and Graduate Education Degrees

The Esteves School of Education at Russell Sage College offers accredited bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral Education programs for aspiring and experienced teachers, counselors, administrators and behavior analysts.

Classes are small and collaborative, with lots of personal attention from faculty and interaction with classmates.

Sage’s locations in Troy and Albany, New York, offer access to a variety of schools and school districts for clinically-rich field experiences — tailored to your education degree program and career goals.

Our Faculty

Professors at the Esteves School of Education bring a wealth of experience from every facet of the education field: our faculty includes distinguished researchers, experienced classroom teachers, and respected program directors, principals, superintendents and district administrators with connections to schools and school districts throughout New York state.

Spotlights Pattern

Explore Our Education Programs

Undergraduate Education Degrees

Graduate Education Degrees and Certificates


The Esteves School of Education prepares students to become highly-effective educators, school counselors and school leaders who believe in full inclusion, value diversity and are knowledgeable about best practices.


At Russell Sage College, the focus is on practical and applied research – finding innovative ways to apply classroom knowledge and theory to everyday situations. Students have opportunities to conduct independent research or participate in faculty-sponsored research projects, and may present their work at the annual graduate and undergraduate research symposiums.

Why join an Esteves School of Education program?

Sage’s Education degree programs offer many advantages. Our recent graduates agree!

  • 91% of Sage bachelor’s graduates and 98% of master’s and doctoral graduates surveyed note that they are employed or furthering their education after graduation.
  • 97% of Education graduates who are employed indicate they work in education and 92% of those indicate they are working in a job related to their Sage Education training.
  • 97% of Sage Education graduates report that they are likely to remain in education.
  • In 2021-22, 94% of Sage Education graduates passed NYS tests required for teaching (the average statewide pass rate was 84%).
  • 98% of Sage Education graduates rated their overall preparation as good or very good.
  • Sage Education graduates surveyed reported that they were prepared to use instructional technology (100%), appropriate pedagogy (94%), content knowledge (91%), critical thinking and problem-solving skills (97%), and understanding of diverse students (94%).


Russell Sage College is a member in good standing of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP), a national accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. The programs listed below have been awarded full accreditation by AAQEP through June 30, 2028. Full accreditation acknowledges that a program prepares effective educators who continue to grow as professionals and has demonstrated the commitment and capacity to maintain quality.


Founded in 2017, AAQEP is a membership association and quality assurance agency that provides accreditation services and formative support to all types of educator preparation providers. The organization promotes excellent, effective, and innovative educator preparation that is committed to evidence-based improvement in a collaborative professional environment. AAQEP is nationally recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Visit aaqep.org for more information.

Contact us

Mailing Address

Russell Sage College
Esteves School of Education
65 1st Street
Troy, NY 12180

[email protected]